Bye bye Boston

image2139987642.jpgOur last night of the trip and we spent it eating lobster at our favourite little spot in Boston, The Barking Crab. We were here exactly 2 weeks ago and incredibly we got seated at the exact same table with the very same waitress, who actually remembered us.

One 2lb lobster and two snow crab legs later and as we watched the dusk descend on the Boston skyline it was nice to think back over the trip and all the fun we have had and all the great people we have met on our trip.

So we are now on the slow train back to Middleboro to our hotel (45 mins away) ready to chill for the night before a pack of the rucksacks in the morning.

Tommorrow it’s the drive to the airport and a possible last sighting of the Boston skyline before we fly off back to blighty.

Am already thinking of our next trip…… of course first we have to remember the correct stop to get off at and find Bertha

[Posted from Mrs Foggs super cool iphone]

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