Robin Hood Man of Pants

image616808518.jpgMrs Fogg and I went to a tiny cinema in Stowe Vermont to watch Robin Hood. Waitress service beer and wine on tap we settled to watch the 2 hours and goodness knows how many minutes.

The result, complete and utter PANTS!

Terrible acting, accents that move from Irish to Dick Van Dyke “Merry Poppins” at the drop of a hat and that was just the American playing a Welshman. Russell Crowe, awful (rousing Gladiator speech, lots of steely gazes, blah blah). A film in which the history books weren’t re-written, just torn up and used as loo roll.

On the plus side, Stowe is very picturesque with an ace cinema.

Next dilema, will we make it back to the UK or have to extend our holiday because of the ash cloud?

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