A New Mode of Transport

image52727357.jpgYup here it is the vehicle of the future and they thought Clive Sinclair was barking (well technically he was, I mean a plastic 3 wheeler of all things).

As you know my love of all things historic extends to last nights cold curry and no further. Mrs Fogg bless her little cotton socks gets her rocks off looking at things that have been dead centuries (Neil Diamond, Take That’s career, etc). We would have to go out of our way to read some place name on a building cos it was old.

Well where does the Segway (the two wheeled gyroscopic wobbly stick on wheels thing) come into this I hear you ask, well hold on a sec and all will be explained. In a recent holiday booking Mrs Fogg has arranged an historic walk of Boston, visiting all the famous old things (yawn, I can feel my eyes drooping already),however in an attempt to keep yours truly interested for more than a nano second, she has booked it with style, “what a limo?” err no, “a helicopter?” again with the no. “Well what then?” Ah yes a Segway, how silly of me. Yup a two hour tour of Boston on a Segway, so this way Mrs Fogg gets to see history and I get to play on a piece of Tech, woo hoo.

So why am I telling you this now, well have you ever been on a Segway, no me neither, wait hold on a minute I have! Yesterday I took Mrs Fogg to Rother Valley Country Park for a bit of a womble (me being lover of all things nature of course), but on the way in we spotted a company hiring Segways to try out, so we did. What a strange feeling, you lean forward to go faster, bakwards to slow down and push a stick to the left and right to turn, what a cool toy. Within seconds we had mastered the controls and were racing each other around the track, Mrs Fogg screaming like a nutter and me reserved and quiet of course.

So the upshot is, history is fun providing you have an expensive toy to play with and now I am looking forward to my history tour (or should that be my playing on a Segway while we look at boring old things?)

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