This Poor Bugga got it Oia

image642495257.jpgWe walked the 220 odd steps down to the port at Oia (only to have to face going back up them drunk).

At the bottom it was time for refreshment and the chance to pick our very own lobster from the tank, taken kicking and screaming into the kitchen, did we carnivores feel guilty, put it this way does the tax man feel guilty taking our hard earned? nah.

This was Mrs Foggs first experience of a full lobster complete with shell crackers, yum was the response. The restaurant even gave us a free beer and desert, considering the lobster was 89euro a kilo, I should coco!

And then the hike back up, nothing compared to the Grand Canyon, but steep nonetheless. We even saw a topless beach down there (needless to say I needed to look at the scenery!). On the way back up we listened to some typical yanks proclaiming that there must be a bus to catch back up since no one would be expected to climb that distance on foot. Oh America we salute you.

We ate Lobster Oia.

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