Ho Ho Ho Happy Christmas

santa08.gif  Hey there one and all and a Merry Yuletide.

 Wooooooo Hoooooo its chrimble time again (don’t ya just love it).

What a fantastic year it has been, Mr Fogg is on his third job this year (this one may be a keeper) and he is an ole git now. Mrs Fogg is getting closer to the big 4 Oh, but don’t tell her that. Spike is coming up to 9 and is every bit as grumpy as Mr Fogg after standing in a Post Office queue waiting to weigh a letter and post it for 3 hours.

So poor ole Mrs Fogg has to work to Chrimbo eve, but I don’t (yee haaa), so I am taking her a nice christmas picnic into her office on the last day and then along comes santa with a rather large sack (fnarr fnarr oooh Matron, sorry slipped into carry on Mode for a second).

The plan, well Christmas Eve will be sat in front of the fire watching Christmas movies and then watching Santa deliver prezzies around the globe on Google Earth (see it all at http://www.noradsanta.org/) It is just soooooo cool. Then its up at 4am to open prezzies and a glass of Bucksfizz in front of the fire. The whole day will be washed down with a scabby turkey lovingly prepared by the Master chef 1997 and ably assisted by the Mrs.

So to all our friends out there, Merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year, see you in 2009.

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