Oh Wii is FiT

Hey Diddly Ho, so a rather rapid visit to the Bartonclan over the last weekend and the Wii Fit Challenge.

Yes Mr Fogg (i.e the Hubby) has been searching for Wii Fit for months now, everyday HMV announce that they will be in stock between 10am and 11am Tues to Thus. So based upon that the only people that can buy them are either unemployed and therefore unable to use our tax payers cash to get one, or the Oldy Foggies (yep you know who you are).

But blow me down with a feather duster, did Mr Fogg manage to find one, he blooming well did at Gamestation in York, they had a shed load all shiny and new just begging me to buy. So I did.

Now a slight realisation dawned on poor ole Mr Fogg, who as per usual travels to work on Sasha, the ever so sexy little Scooter, didn’t contemplate the size of said Wii before buying and had to call the Mrs to come into York to take it home, ordinarily Mrs Fogg would have said NOPE, but given she wanted to play, came racing in faster than she has ever done before. 

So anyhoo, we went to see the Bartyclan with said device and had hours of fun, whooping their ass at Ski Jump (Mr Fogg is the king, oh yes, see me dance, whoop whoop) and Hoola Hoop. But the king of football, tightrope walking and step goes to Little Fink, who was an absolute star.

We had a fantastic weekend, again all too short, feeding ducks, gooses and swan things with bird seed (and placing on Little Finks head as well), then playing Gladiators on the ole trampoline, Mr Fogg vs Little Fink and I think over enthusiasm got the better of Mr Fogg as he battered the poor little lassy into submission, before nearly breaking her ankle (ha the kids of today, no stamina!!!!).

Sumptious food, excellent company, a lot less alcofrol than normal and a fantastic Wii Challenge weekend.Look forward to seeing you guys back up here.

Oh did we mention only 7 days till the Holiday (Hooo Yah)   


Oh Wii is FiT — 1 Comment

  1. Hang on a minute. what about Mrs Fink, superstar of the step board?
    By the way, you pair owe me for a worn carpet – it’s only 3 months old and now there is a threadbare patch!
    Thank you for a lovely weekend, I know you will have a super time in Amerikey. Travel safe and return full of stories.
    Lots of love
    Mrs Fink and the Finks

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