Santa Fe sucks

image666934574.jpgWe drove 300 miles north out of our way because I wanted to visit historic Santa Fe. I wished I’d not bothered. The campsite ( see picture) is pleasant but I’m afraid I was not impressed with Santa Fe. It’s claim to fame is largely historical, the infamous Navajo Long Walk came through on the old Santa Fe trail, Billy the Kid was temporarily imprisoned here before being moved and escaping and some of the buildings are supposed to be some of the oldest in the US.

However, despite pretty plaster buildings the actual centre consists of five main aspects: Overpriced and oversized jewellery in expensive boutique shops, overpriced expensive clothes with very odd designs in overpriced boutiques, unwashed hippies galore with overgrown beards, scabby unwashed kids and well dressed beggars with cardboard signs (all ages from teens upwards).

It’s also an artists meca, large art galleries with odd pictures, sculptures and the rest abound in Santa Fe. You want a full size bronze of an Indian complete with buffalo to stand in your house? You got it! Or you can have random bits of metal contorted into large shapes with what looks like breasts welded on, want two? No problem.

Needless to say the place did not have a pleasant feel to it, there was limited to see – unless to be fair you wanted museums because there are at least 5 huge ones which may or may not be good ( didn’t bother). We lasted 2 hours here, one of them was waiting for food.

A 600 mile round trip for nothing. Disappointing.

Oh, but I did see the site of the jail where Billy the Kid was imprisoned – it was knocked down in 1907. Sums it up really.

[Posted from Mrs Foggs super cool iphone]

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