Ah Curry we Miss You

image275582296.jpgAboot 7 months ago when we lived in Linton under Ouse, Mrs Foggy and I lived at the local Saffron Spice curry house. Now that we have moved we can no longer get any curries or indeed a single take away, so we took a trip all the way over to enjoy a nice curry evening.

Nice food, nice company shame then about the cackling witches who were in the restaurant and who managed to outdo a banshee on a full moon, even with their gobs full. Overhearing the conversation from one such delightful creature, not that we could miss it, apparently one of the banshees claimed that she didn’t go back to a “blokes owse, cos I’m a classy bird I am” whilst she has food dribbling out of her mouth, not exactly sure what class she was referring to but Viz did spring to mind and one of the aptly named characters (for those unfamiliar with this cult comic, the affectionately named ladies spent the entire comic strip in persuit of beer, curry and men).Ah the fairer sex took a nosedive tonite. mmmmmm.

We had a curry here.

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