Going Retro

Ahhhhhh, when we were in Bisby last decade we stopped at an awesome 1950s caravan park in a super duper Airstream Deluxe (which is a 1950s caravan). Whilst we were there they had a 1950s BoobTube that only played 1950s B movies and it had a record deck with a plethora of records from the 1950s (hold your horses I’m getting to the point). Now for you bloody Millenials that is clueless to what a cassette tape is (let alone looks like) a record deck spins a big black plastic disc at 33RPM (that’s spinny things per minute to you) and a needle picks up the pits and rises on the the black plastic disc to create sound (yes there is a history to sound before Spotiface or Wavel).

So the point of this piffle is that Mrs Fogg got me a retro record deck for Christmas and has continued to get me records (1950s, early 60s and other things such as The Eagles, Big Lebowski and Rocky Horror) to play on my spinny disc thingy. I am officially in hog heaven, you see my first record deck cost me £10 from a car boot sale, £5 amplifier (it boosts the sounds from the record spinny thingy to the speakers kiddies) and £70 Mission 70 speakers (the total of which was 2 weeks salary at that time). It’s a real blast to the past.

And no “hey Siri’s or Alexa” don’t work on this bad boy! (and yes Mrs Fogg tried telling it to skip tracks).

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